
在義大利賣胰島素有沒有搞頭? Gonna be rich selling insulin in Italy? ( About Italian breakfast )


In Taiwan, you can find both sweet or salty breakfast, but the salty ones such as fried carrot cakes and omelets are more favored. Italian breakfast culture is instead dominated by sweet tastes. I always feel like I'm having afternoon tea sessions even though it's in the early morning.
Each regions in Italy has slightly different kinds of pastries, in this article I'll introduce the most common kinds of breakfast food you can find in Tuscany region.

另外,如果招牌上寫著 Pasticceria 代表他們店裡東西是自己店裡做的,可能烘焙廚房就在裡面或在樓上,每天現做十分新鮮。若只是一般的 Bar,那賣的東西可能就是從附近別的地方買來賣的。(口味是沒什麼差,價錢也一樣,單看個人心情比較偏好去 Pasticceria 或 Bar )

Be prepared to see all these extravaganza pastry collections every time you walk in a breakfast shop.
In Italy, you can find breakfast bar everywhere, with comparatively longer opening hours than other kinds of shops or restaurants. Other than selling pastries, these bars also provide coffee, tea, juice and water.
An interesting thing to know, if the word "Pasticceria" is written in front of the shop, that usually means that the pastries they sell are directly made from their baking kitchen, which is possibly just one floor up or inside of the shop. However, if you see only the sign "Bar", that means that the food they sell here are bought from elsewhere. ( The tastes of food and prices are the same though, so it depends on your personal preferences to chose whether to go to Pasticceria or to Bars )

1和3螺旋狀的東西統稱 Cannolo,任何裡面塞奶油或巧克利等餡的管狀麵食都被歸類在這名字底下,外面通常是用酥皮或麵包製成。

Number one and three are called Cannolo. The members of this category all look tunnel-like, with cream or chocolate stuffed inside.

另外,有一種 Cannolo 叫 Sicilian Cannolo,是西西里島非常有名的甜點。一般 Cannolo 外面是麵包,這種則是用一層有厚度的,脆脆的餅皮包起來。

There's a kind of Cannolo called Sicilian Cannolo, very famous in Sicily. Usually the outside part of cannolo is made of bread, but the Sicilian ones are made by layers of crispy cookie-like stuff.

而4號叫Occhio di bue(公牛之眼的意思),是一種裡面塗果醬或nutella的扁扁甜餅,看起來還真的滿像一隻血紅眼睛的。

Number two and five are called Bigne, usually stuffed with cream, pistachio jam or chocolate. On top of the bigne are some icing decorations or sugar glazing.
Number four is called Occhio di bue (The eye of bull). Two thin layers of sweet pastries with jam or Nutella in the middle and an extreme amount of sugar powder on top. It indeed looks like a bloody eye.


Next, the fruit tarts. Cream-based with fresh and juicy fruits on top.
Italians really know how to decorate fruit tarts. I have an unhealthy urge to buy this stuff every time I go to a breakfast shop.

Next,  可愛的蛋白霜 Meringhe!

Next, the cute Meringhe!
Meringhe melts almost immediately when you put it in the mouth. The tastes of sweetness and egg white blossomed pleasantly on top of the tongue.

Meringhe 當然也有進化版!如下圖中在兩片蛋白霜裡夾奶油和草莓,或是直接把蛋白霜做成水果塔基座也可以!

Of course there are evolutions of Meringhe. As the following pictures show, people here put cream and strawberries in between two petals of meringhe, or simply use the meringhe as a foundation of a fruit tart.

A piece of cake in the morning. Probably need to force yourself to do some little exercises all the day to consume the calories and guiltiness.

這類小點一個約20幾塊台幣,而一般甜點則在約 50 台幣上下,一些比較精緻的蛋糕可能會貴到一片 100 多塊。
吃這種小點的好處是可以自己拼一盤,嘗試不同口味,又不會吃飽,一個點心配一口 Espresso 滿剛好。

Other than normal size desserts, the breakfast bar also sells mini pastries.
These minis are around 0.8 euros each, the normal size ones are around 1.5 euros. Some cakes that are more refined can cost around 3 euros a piece.
The benefit of taking these minis is that it allows you to make a combination by yourself, trying different tastes without feeling full. One mouthful of dessert + Espresso is a well-matched combo.


In winter you can even find little sponge cakes soaked in alcohol.

米布丁  Budino di Riso
顧名思義就是米做的布丁。吃起來軟中帶著 Q 勁,有種微甜粗獷的米香。

Rice pudding ( Budino di Riso )
As the name suggests, rice pudding is made of rice. It's soft but a bit chewy, with slight sweetness and natural taste of rice.


Puff pastry.
Usually with fruit jams inside.

Italians don't really drink Cappuccino outside breakfast time. I asked my Italian friend why is that, he said because they prefer to have some bitter and strong caffeine shots for energy, Cappuccino only makes them feel heavy.


After reading this article, you probably think selling insulin for diabetes is a profitable business here. However, eating habits still differ largely among people. Although there are so many temptations in breakfast shops, still you can find people simply have fresh fruits or a chicken croissant for breakfast.

