
Forte dei Marmi 夢幻的粉金色時尚城市

Forte dei Marmi,大理石碉堡之意。

土耳其藍寶石似的大海,柔美的白色沙灘,成排整齊的綠色棕梠樹,點著火樹銀花般街燈的街道,度假男女閃閃發亮的皓齒,與一幢又一幢精巧可愛的淺色時尚專門店等 ...... 城如其名,這一切就像粉紅色大理石一般,粉嫩夢幻,而黃澄澄的錢潮則在這一片太平盛景下,日日夜夜,暗自洶湧地交叉流動著。

Forte dei Marmi 是義大利內陸人在夏天最愛來的托斯卡尼度假勝地,離比薩,佛羅倫斯,盧卡等地都不遠。坐火車到 Forte dei Marmi 站後,接著轉乘公車到 Forte dei Marmi 海邊,就到了這個托斯卡尼時尚之城!


另外,在附近的 Santa Maria Beach更是在 2006 年十被選為世界十大上空海灘!

週六和 N 騎車去 Forte dei Marmi 逛逛。

不論真花假花,全部不是凋零不然就是被拆走了。取而代之的是聖誕節感覺的燈火,橘橘紅紅,一星一點,掛在城鎮各處,溫暖照亮每個角落,在 Forte dei marmi 沒有人可以感到孤獨傷心,這裡只有優雅地享受高品質生活,眼角嘴角永遠帶著一抹迷人微笑的人們。

Forte dei Marmi, the fort of marbles.

Turquoise ocean, gentle white sands, lines of green palm trees, streets full of lights that looked like still fireworks, the shiny white teeth of vacation people, and one after one exquisite fashion boutiques... As the city's name suggests, all these scenes are just like dreamy pink marbles, cute and fantastic. And underneath this light-hearted paradise, the golden waves of money are flowing here and there clandestinely, day after day, night after night.

Forte dei Marmi is a popular destination for Italians who seek for a summer vacation spot. This seaside city is not only studded with internationally famous fashion brands' shops, but also many Italian brands, selling the latest dreams.
There are beaches and mountains, amazing restaurants and bars, and above all, shopping streets that satisfy the desire. This ultimate combination not only attracts thousands of Italian but also German and Russian tourists.

Each Wednesday there's a market here, selling all kinds of designer brands' outfits. You can bargain as much as you like, managing to buy a good quality good with comparatively lower prices than usual is a must do in the market!

Also, the beach nearby, Santa Maria Beach, was selected in 2006 as the Top 10 topless beach in the world!

N and I went to have am afternoon walk there.
When it was summer, little white flowers blossomed everywhere on the streets. The shops beside were all decorated with deep blue plastic flowers, too. Layers against layers, sometimes I couldn't tell which ones are real flowers, which are fake.

Now it's November. The breath of winter is already in the air.
No matter they are real or fake flowers, they either withered or were plucked away. The Christmas feeling lights took over the place. Dots of orange and red, a spot here and a patch there, hanging around the city, illuminating every corners... At Forte dei Marmi nobody is allowed to feel lonely and distressed, the only people that exist here are the ones who enjoy the high life elegantly, and always have a smear of joyful charm at the corner of their eyes and lips.


